10ml Automatic Burette accord. Schilling Price €101.64 Schilling Burette in clear glass with complete stripe, 10 ml capacity and automatic zero point adjustment. Complete with a 500 ml bottle of...
25ml Automatic Burette accord. Schilling Price €111.32 Schilling Burette in transparent glass with complete stripe, 25 ml capacity and automatic zero point adjustment. Complete with a 1000 ml bottle of...
50ml Automatic Burette accord. Schilling Price €111.32 Schilling Burette in transparent glass with complete stripe, 50 ml capacity and automatic zero point adjustment. Complete with a 1000 ml bottle of...
10ml Automatic Graduated Burette Pellet type Price €175.45 Automatic burette, Pellet type, 10 ml capacity, blue graduate with schellbach, and ground-glass joint, standard NS 29/32, Class AS.Manufactured...
25ml Automatic Graduated Burette, Pellet type Price €169.40 Automatic burette, Pellet type, 25 ml capacity, blue graduate with schellbach, and ground-glass joint, standard NS 29/32, Class AS.Manufactured...
50ml Automatic Graduated Burette, Pellet type Price €185.13 Automatic burette, Pellet type, 50 ml capacity, blue graduate with schellbach, and ground-glass joint, standard NS 29/32, Class AS.Manufactured...
2,000ml Clear Glass Bottle for Pellet Burette Price €25.41 Clear glass bottle with ground-glass neck of 2 litres capacity.The ground-glass joint is standardized Joint Standard SJ 29/32.Container made of...
10ml Glass Graduated Burette & Straight PTFE Needle Valve, Class AS Price €64.37 Glass graduated burette with PTFE punch valve of 10 ml capacity and class AS, with batch number and certificate.Graduation intervals are every 0.05...
10ml Glass Graduated Burette & Straight Stopcock, Class AS Price €55.66 10 ml Glass graduated burette with straight PTFE stopcock and class ASManufactured in borosilicate 3.3 glass according to ISO 385 with certificate...
25ml Glass Graduated Burette & Straight PTFE Needle Valve, Class AS Price €69.15 Glass graduated burette with PTFE punch valve of 25 ml capacity and class AS, with batch number and certificate.Graduation intervals are every 0.10...
25ml Glass Graduated Burette & Straight Stopcock, Class AS Price €56.45 25 ml Glass graduated burette with straight PTFE stopcock and class ASManufactured in borosilicate 3.3 glass according to ISO 385 with certificate...
25ml TPX Burette with PTFE Straight Stopcock Price €24.01 25 ml TPX plastic burette with teflon straight stopcock and 0.10 ml graduation, class ASClass A: "A" stands for highest accuracyMade of...
50ml Glass Graduated Burette & Straight PTFE Needle Valve, Class AS Price €74.92 Glass graduated burette with PTFE punch valve of 50 ml capacity and class AS, with batch number and certificate.Graduation intervals are every 0.10...
50ml Graduated Burette & Straight PTFE Stopcock, Class AS Price €57.11 50 ml Glass graduated burette with straight PTFE stopcock and class ASManufactured in borosilicate 3.3 glass according to ISO 385 with certificate...
Retort Stand for Imhoff Cone or Separation Funnel Price €37.51 Stand for separatory funnels and Imhoff conesThe reference doesn't include the Imhoff cone of the photo.This stand consists of:- a universal base...
10ml Graduated Glass Measure, Cone-Shape Price €6.66 Graduated glass measure with spout of 10 ml capacity: conical shape and round base.Made of common glass or soda-lime glass of the Academy brand.The...